
Warning: 9 month old rotten onions may be found here.

Here’s the thing… I’m not the best at keeping things organized. It’s totally okay. We all have our strengths and we all have our weaknesses. Where do I begin? Many will agree that I’m not a great driver, I’m terrible at throwing a ball, I’m not good at limiting my taco intake, I should not…

We gon’ be alright, put that on my life.

Macklemore’s music fills every bit of my veins with energy. His words, his passion, his conviction. He is so true to who he is and shares his message with the world through impactful lyrics. I admire his ability to create music that resonates so deeply. Take “Same Love” for example… a song about being free…

Me + sports = NOT awesome.

Gym class was my worst enemy. I was always picked last for teams. I despised wearing the ripped mesh, stretched out overshirt thingy that smelled like stale sweat. I wanted nothing more than to dodge dodgeball. And, somehow, for some strange reason, I was always constipated, had cramps or sprained my ankle on days when…

Be ever-mindful of silver linings.

What is a silver lining? According to Merriam-Webster, it’s a “consoling or hopeful prospect.” How many consoling or hopeful prospects did you consider in the past 9 months? Throughout 2020, many people have referred to the silver linings in their life. Situations and conditions weren’t ideal, but so many chose to see the hope and the…

I’m not like Iggy Azalea. I’m not fancy.

My closet is about the size of my big toenail. For real though, I am constantly purging clothing because there just isn’t anywhere to store it. I’ve already taken over my seven-year-old son’s closet with my “part-time TV gig clothing”. My clothing closet is likely meant to store a couple of winter coats and old…

You always have a choice. Choose to be kind.

Have you ever felt that yuck in your stomach… that moment where you wish you could take back your words? Take back that negative thought or judgment? Where you wish you would have thought a little longer before you acted a certain way towards someone? We all have. I am guilty, for sure. I have…

Are you expecting? Or did you just eat a footlong sub?

What do you see when you look in the mirror? Do you see strength? Do you see beauty? Grace? A warrior? Or, do you see smile lines from the joy and laughter you’ve been blessed with? Or do you see someone who doesn’t fit the “mold” of what you think you should look like? Real…

A timeline of my teeth and a lesson in perspective.

Let’s take a little trip down memory lane. The memories aren’t all sunshine & rainbows, because we’re going to be looking closely at my dental journey. Sounds boring, right? Buckle your seatbelt. It’s a bumpy ride. 1985: I was born. I didn’t have any teeth. 1991-ish: Do you remember buying shoes at Caldor and they…

Never underestimate the power of performance.

Damn, 2020. Will the chaos ever stop? Job loss is one of the most common hardships we are feeling right now. COVID-19 has forced many small businesses to involuntarily close, has required large companies to lay off mass numbers of employees and has compelled many people to re-evaluate their lives. Today I got an emotional…


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